The new route on The Pup was climbed by Adam Liebenberg and (Me) Rudi Feldtman on the 31st March 2018
We named it “Puppy on Tiles’’ graded at 15+. The route goes right of the prominent nose a few meters right of Short and Sweet.
Pitch 1 (20m) 15+ : Climb from corner Diagonally Right up a grey wall above orange band to a fragile chicken head. Follow thin vertical crack straight up to a ledge.
Pitch 2 (5m) 14+ : From Ledge stand on boulder facing away from ledge, do awkward pull into a sloped corner up to horizontal rails. Rail left all the way to a ledge.
Pitch 3 (10m) 12: Walk to obvious big vertical crack at the back of ledge. Climb right of large vertical crack rail out until onto face, follow easy line straight up to small ledge where you pass a short crack on your left follow this up and scramble out.
Rudi adds: ‘As far as I know there is no documented ascents other than those already published.’