South African Highline Guide!

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Real Name: Reinhardt Schmidt

South African Highline Guide!

Post by Schmidt »

hey all highliners, ive been setting up a few highlines lately and thought to myself that there has been alot of highline development lately. We need a highline guide, was wondering how to go about it? a web page or a facebook group,or a wikipaedia entry or,we can just add it to climbza's page? maby even place a cairn at each anchor point to make it more obvious.let me know what u guys think.
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Re: South African Highline Guide!

Post by Andy »

Sounds sick Schmidt, where are you based and where are all these lines going down?

i could contribute a bit to some of the lines around Cape Town.

there is a a Facebook page going in CT but it's more for organizing the occasional highline than sharing highline beta, we could change that.

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Re: South African Highline Guide!

Post by ruank »

:thumright Great idea!!
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Nic Le Maitre
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Re: South African Highline Guide!

Post by Nic Le Maitre »

Hi there

I know we've asked this before and I don't want to harp on it too much but please:

If you set up highlines over any of the ravines on Table Mountain please inform someone from rescue as we regularly fly those ravines in helicopters and the lines are a massive hazard to the helicopters. Send a pm to me, Ant or Brent on this forum and we will make sure that the message gets through.

Thanks in advance
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Re: South African Highline Guide!

Post by Andy »

maybe we could setup something like this ... ... -highline/
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Re: South African Highline Guide!

Post by Warren G »

there are a few websites for these sorts of things, and in the descriptions would have to be things like access and other restrictions like what Nic La Mainted on :)

The easiest solution to this might be to add a section to the climbing wiki. In any event I have a few lines I would like to add, and a few more I might want to keep quieter on...
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Re: South African Highline Guide!

Post by Schmidt »

I'm based in Pretoria, just set up a line this past weekend at Ezemvelo, and found a building high line in Pretoria town, amongst random others. Wow, andy, that page looks epic. perfect. exactly what i was thinking. but i cant set up a web page so I think a wiki entry or facebook group will be better. things to add are;
1- access to the line.
2- a map tag or directions(photo can be added to this).
3- name and place.
4-conditions to watch out for that can be updated.
5- length of the line.
6- a rating as to the quality of the line.

And was thinking there should maybe be 2 categories, one for ultra lines that are longer than 30 meters and one for lines that are shorter. What you guys think? anything else? or less?
I would greatly appreciate you're expertise.
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Re: South African Highline Guide!

Post by Andy »

sounds cool, Justin will support us with putting in some Wiki entries. i like all you categories, maybe the "ultra" one should be 50m and longer.

it would be cool to start this up.
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