Classic Alps vs local adventures big and small
with Hilton Davies and Richard Halsey
The Short:
A traverse of over the Mont Blanc Massif starting in Italy and ending in France, a big, fierce creation on Table Mountain, and some local playgrounds you may never have heard of.
The Long:
In July 2018 Hilton and his son Kieren did a traverse over the Mont Blanc Massif from Courmayeur in Italy to Chamonix in France. En route they climbed half a dozen of Europe’s classic PDs (Peu Difficile – moderate difficulty alpine grade route). They spent a week at altitude, encountering varying snow, ice and rock conditions on the mountains and dealt with the usual glacier travel issues.
The photos of iconic Mt Blanc peaks and routes are tantalizing and for those wanting to learn how to take first steps into the alpine zone, this is a great opportunity to learn from someone who is not brand new to climbing.
Richard and Hilton then crafted Horn of Africa, a 250m grade 26 route in Africa Amphitheatre. Their masochistic journey involved ice-axe gardening, a mutilated finger and good old fashioned Try-Hard.
The beans will also be spilled on some wonderful, fringe climbing spots.
Join us and spread the word
Tues 5th March 2019
19:30 for 20:00
MCSA clubhouse, 97 Hatfield St, Cape Town.
Refreshments served.
MCSA Slideshow 5th March
MCSA Slideshow 5th March
One life, one body. Use them well.