Laos climbing and other adventures
with Douw Steyn
Laos 2018/2019 - in which a bunch of South Africans venture into darkest Asia where they eat a noodle, sample copious quantities of good beer and very cheap, but surprisingly good, whisky, fondle fun limestone, and go swimming and paddling underground. A tale of a climbing trip to Laos, a country very unlike the Karoo but very worthwhile visiting. It even has barking geckos, for goodness sake!
Join us and spread the word
Tues 2nd July 2019
19:30 for 20:00
MCSA clubhouse, 97 Hatfield St, Cape Town.
Refreshments served.
MCSA Slideshow 2nd July 2019
MCSA Slideshow 2nd July 2019
One life, one body. Use them well.
Re: MCSA Slideshow 2nd July 2019
Anyone is welcome at the MCSA - so bring your friends along too!
One life, one body. Use them well.