with Teodor Iliev, Andy Court and Nicholas van Doesberg
A rock climbing trip of a lifetime, side stepping lightning in Gorge du Verdon France, dodging vipers & potholes in the Balkans of Bulgaria & tower bagging in Northern Greece. A story by "Team Fresh" Andy, Nicholas and Teodor also starring Sabrina the spicy Brazilian girl...
France: Gorge du Verdon, Ceuse
Bulgaria: Vratsa, Gods Eyes
Greece: Mount Olympus, Meteora
Join us and spread the word
Tues 1st Oct 2019
19:30 for 20:00
MCSA clubhouse, 97 Hatfield St, Cape Town.
Refreshments served
MCSA Slideshow 1st Oct
MCSA Slideshow 1st Oct
One life, one body. Use them well.