Your epic winner!

Tell us about the most epic or adventurous moment that you and your climbing partners have experienced - scary, dangerous, accidents or close calls that happened out climbing or in the mountains.
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Joined: Tue May 27, 2014 8:59 am
Real Name: CityROCK Indoor Climbing Gym

Your epic winner!

Post by climbcityrock »

All the epic stories were amazing! Thanks for sharing! We're had the hardest time choosing.
After much deliberation, the winner of the CityROCK Edelrid My Epic is *drum roll*
Kieran Richards – with Brokeback Broberg

1st place Kieran Richards wins the Tommy Caldwell 9.6mm by 70m Pro Line – 3D lap coiled, Pro Dry, Thermo Shield, Duotec awesomeness
2nd place goes to Shaun Smith who wins a Giga Jul and Bulletproof HMS Carabiner
3rd place - Gerald Camp came in at a close third and walks away with an Edelrid Spring Bag to keep his rope clean and dry.

Edelrid-epic-post-small.jpg (166.27 KiB) Viewed 6334 times

We will be contacting the winners to get their prizes to them.
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