Bloc11 Yoga & Climbing Weekend!

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Joined: Tue Sep 06, 2022 3:18 pm
Real Name: Becks Pretorius

Bloc11 Yoga & Climbing Weekend!

Post by Bloc11studio »

You’re invited to join us on our final weekend in the Cederberg this season.

Springtime here is magical with the warming weather (but still cool enough for good conditions!) and fields of beautiful flowers!

You can expect…
🎪 Renovated retro caravans @alphaexcelsior
🤸🏼 Morning yoga at the dam lead by Becks and Joff
🧗🏽‍♀️ World class bouldering with Mish & Jodie
🎶 A sound journey under the stars led by Julie
🧘🏻 Meditation and creative art sessions
🌼 Guided walks to the best swims spots along the river as well as a waterfall adventure!!

For climbers and non-climbers alike - bouldering is just one of the daytime activities on offer, nothing is compulsory.

This is the perfect opportunity to give yourself a break from the city and recharge in the mountains.

We’ll take care of accommodation, meals and all the logistics - all you need to do is get yourself there and choose which activities you’d like to participate in.

Space is limited, so please do get in touch asap.

For more information and bookings contact our retreat coordinator Becks
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