Mugging on TM

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Posts: 81
Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:50 pm
Real Name: Garron Fish
Location: Cape Town

Mugging on TM

Post by Garron »

Was just mugged on Table Mountain near Big Bad Block. Was climbing at night and as I was leaving at around 23:00 and 4 guys approached me while I was leaving. They stole my phone and R50 (fortunately I decided not to take my bank cards with me, however if you need to make this decision you should probably just not go). They were busy asking me to log into my banking when they noticed the lights of security along Tafelberg road and ran away. They had also broke into my car however there was nothing in there to steal.

The muggers were incredibly polite and friendly; however I consider myself extremely lucky this time and although I love night climbing I will not do this again :cry: So greatful for security along Table mountain.
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Real Name: BrianW

Re: Mugging on TM

Post by bad »

Hey Garron sorry to hear - what a bummer but thank goodness they were distracted from getting into your banking
Have you reported the incident to SAPS & SANParks yet?
Thanks for the warning we really need to know all about these incidents.
All the best
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Posts: 81
Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:50 pm
Real Name: Garron Fish
Location: Cape Town

Re: Mugging on TM

Post by Garron »

Thanks Brian, I've reported it to SAPS and SANParks, thanks for the reminder.
Cape Town Central station handles incidences along Tafelberg road.
Posts: 81
Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:50 pm
Real Name: Garron Fish
Location: Cape Town

Re: Mugging on TM

Post by Garron »

It is worthwhile recording the serial numbers of anything valuable that you think may be stolen. The police want this information when a mugging occurs, more info is available here: ... s-20190403

Many countries have databases where you can check if a device is stolen by checking the serial numbers before buying something secondhand, however, I could not find any for South Africa.
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