MCSA Slideshow Tuesday 7th August

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MCSA Slideshow Tuesday 7th August

Post by Q20 »

American Alpine Club exchange in Colorado and Utah

In May this year, a dozen Saffers were hosted my the American Alpine Club on the reciprocal leg of an exchange programme with the MCSA.
Stops on the trip included :Eldorado Canyon, with numerous top-notch routes in a dense area, Indian Creek for crack addiction and schooling, The Black Cayon which is just impressive in every sense and the iconic desert towers of Utah. Obstacles such as skin grafts and snow storms did not deter the Saffers, and the American hosts put on a spectacular show. Come and find out all about it.

Join us, and spread the word.

Tues 7th Aug 2018
19:30 for 20:00

MCSA clubhouse, 97 Hatfield St, Cape Town.
Refreshments served.

AAC slideshow (Small).jpg
AAC slideshow (Small).jpg (95.09 KiB) Viewed 9064 times
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Re: MCSA Slideshow Tuesday 7th August

Post by Dragon »

and speaker of the evening goes to.... Gareth. Pls find a reason to invite him back for another evening!
What a great event. Thanks guys.
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