MCSA slideshow 4th Sept

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MCSA slideshow 4th Sept

Post by Q20 »

Hi Folks,

Notice for the slideshow on 4th Sept 2018

Zermatt Unplugged - High peaks of Switzerland
by Jurgen Wohlfarter & Ninon Roos

Jurgen and Ninon will take us on a journey to the top of Switzerland, the 4545m summit of the Dom, yet so mysterious that Google Map still has not given it a name tag.

The weather conditions were perfect, except on summit day – Hence they returned the following year for some more 4000m peaks in the vicinity of the Mischabel group, Zermatt & Saas-Fee, all night cow bells and black mountain dragons, Schümli Pflümli’s and Röschti in cosy mountain huts, and then some… Mammuts.

Join us, and spread the word.

Tues 4th Sept 2018
19:30 for 20:00

MCSA clubhouse, 97 Hatfield St, Cape Town.
Refreshments served.
Feechopf Taschhorn Dom (Medium).JPG
Feechopf Taschhorn Dom (Medium).JPG (187.05 KiB) Viewed 8754 times
Zermatt Unplugged (Medium).JPG
Zermatt Unplugged (Medium).JPG (188.72 KiB) Viewed 8754 times
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Posts: 294
Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:57 pm
Real Name: Richard Halsey
Location: Cape Town

Re: MCSA slideshow 4th Sept

Post by Q20 »

Rimpfischhorn copy (Medium).jpg
Rimpfischhorn copy (Medium).jpg (143.26 KiB) Viewed 8373 times
One life, one body. Use them well.
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