Rocklands farm sitting gig

Jobs within the climbing / Rope Access / Rigging industries / Anything Climbing related
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Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:41 pm

Rocklands farm sitting gig

Post by thebest »

Hey hey guys
I’m looking for someone to farm sit for me in the heart rocklands ( aka across the road from alpha )
From the end of October till the beginning of February , duties include feeding the cat , watering the trees , checking up on my employee and taking camping payments
Gig includes free accommodation, internet, king size bed , washing machine, boulder pads , bolts if u psyched to bolt new routes , everything really,

There’s 50+- sport routes on the farm , with all day shade
Quite a A lot boulders as well

Our ideal candidate will be a couple who “ works from home “ and is psyched to get out the city

If u psyched

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