Spring kickoff

General climbing discussions. Climbing, Bouldering, Mountaineering. Anything!!
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Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 8:31 am
Real Name: Justin Lawson
Location: Cape Town/Montagu

Spring kickoff

Post by justin »

Silvermine Lower Crag Snake: Tis the season; a Puffadder was spotted on the path. The snake was sitting on a ledge (halfway down) the short scramble down (as you move down going in the direction of Tokai, with the car park behind you).

Table Mountain car break-in: A climbers window was smashed on Tafelberg Road yesterday, 6 October. Better to park on the far side of the Cable Car. Reminder also to not have anything visible in your car.

Josh Sowter reports that the pitons on Myrrh (22) on Table Mountain are looking 'rather thin and rusty', so bring small cams to place.

Tried out the Beal Opera 8.5mm Single (can also be used as a Double/Twin) rope yesterday on Table Mountain. While it does work with normal ATC's, it is recommended that you get the 'Alpine' version of the ATC (optimized for ropes between 8.1 and 8.5 millimeters in diameter).
Rock Climbing Guide/Instructor.
Cell/WA: +27 72 676 9326
Justin Lawson
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