Relatively Highlines

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Relatively Highlines

Post by CraigBurden »

I'm looking for some nice highlines no longer than 20m. I want ones that are relatively easy to setup. I know of a lowish line at Peers Cave between the chains of "Visions of Cosmic Bloom" and either "F**k me Amadeus" or "The Living Daylights". Please let me know of any other cool lines in the CPT area! I want to do some awesome highlines!
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Re: Relatively Highlines

Post by aFeto »

Let's Highline together in Cape Town, come from 30 October to live 3-4 months and I'll take all my equipment and climbing the highline, I'll just need a rope and grigri!

I'm from Brazil and here I've done 6 highline in which one is my country's largest distance of 40m and 70m in height and now I want to make the highline of Chapmans Peak and Table Mountain, you want to fall together?

See my last highline:

I live in the neighborhood observatory!

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Re: Relatively Highlines

Post by Warren G »

I know of a few cool short highlines around Cape Town, the one i am keenist doing is one in Cape Point. it is not high in comparrision to the other CTN lines, but it is short and in a super cool location: waves crashing around you as it runs a corner of rock jutting out over the ocean.

how competant are you all at longer lines? there is a line about 50m long that wants warm, calm weather, a bit of balls and contentment at potentially having your gear confiscated...

there are also two boulders in the ocean that i would like to walk between, i have been waiting to do it for about 4 years.
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Re: Relatively Highlines

Post by justin »

Not quite in Cape Town, from the English Fort (above the tunnel) across to the far wall.
Warren, did you first walked this?
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Re: Relatively Highlines

Post by Warren G »

Yes Justin i did, well we did: Arno, Matt and me, although our timing was appaling and I walked it in the dark. It is a nice line in that it is easy rigging, short, not exposed, clean entry (kak exit) but it is in Montagu, and so probably wants a little more time. I have wanted to go back and get the picture as Cogmans in the backround is beautiful. for me it would be either the Cape Point or Engish Fort
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Re: Relatively Highlines

Post by justin »

Early morning would be best (no wind). I take it you used the top bolt of 'Boer and the Brit' - I'm assuming you ended at the fort?
Give me a shout if you're keen to give another go.
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Re: Relatively Highlines

Post by CraigBurden »

@Warren I am 100% on 25m lines but that's the longest I've walked, but I'm sure I'd be able to walk some longer ones! How high are those boulders? We could Deep Water Slackline :). Wetlines are always fun!
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Re: Relatively Highlines

Post by kyle »

Kinda off topic but just incase you guys have not seen this yet...sick!
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Re: Relatively Highlines

Post by aFeto »

Warren could you tell how did the tape to anchor the highline of Chapmans Peak, it was hugging the rock or boults?
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Re: Relatively Highlines

Post by Warren G »

Afeto, i have sent you a PM to answer your question, well i hope it answers it as i found your wording diffucult to understand.

Regarding my two boulders/islands in the ocean: don't get your hopes up on their height, i was just happy to find two at a nice distance with natural anchors high enough of the surface and not 10 miles offshore! I spent ages on Google Earth, then driving everywhere from betty's to Table Bay looking at potential. There are others, but in some way they are inferior.

Anyone have a K2?
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Re: Relatively Highlines

Post by frsdun »

Hi, I'm looking to buy a nice long highline/slackline, does anyone know where the best place to get one is?
I must be the 1inch webbing, and about 30m to 40m long.
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Re: Relatively Highlines

Post by CraigBurden »

@frsdun I would go to Rope world you can buy some very nice webbing with very low stretch of R15/m!! No suitable for a highline though unless you back it up with rope!
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Re: Relatively Highlines

Post by johannlanz »

Hi Warren (or anyone else)

What is good slackline training / preparation / practice, if my primary aim is to become competent enough for highlines? So what should I be doing / learning on the slackline? And how competent should I be, and what experience should I have racked up, before attempting a highline? How long should the lines be that I walk? If you remember I posted the article about slacklining over Maalgat in the Cederberg , which was a somewhat humbling experience in terms of the impact that not simply being a foot or two off the ground had on my performance.
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Re: Relatively Highlines

Post by CraigBurden »

Haha, I've been to that exactly spot! Where did you anchor that line? My advice would be just get really confident on lines of similar length to the highline you would do, try to imagine you're 99999km off the ground! And maybe setup a lowish highline to get comfortable taking falls.
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Re: Relatively Highlines

Post by aFeto »

You need to practice longlines and understand the system of anchors and pull the tape!

I intend to do in Cape Town highline if you want to come along, I'm Yo!
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