jgb wrote:I don't think there are many people who actually believe Lance didn't dope, but the point may be more that every pro cyclist the last 40 years has been doping, so why the witch hunt with lance?
I don't think the question of whether or not he used banned substances is relevant. The man had cancer and came back to win - the witch hunt against him is really a bad idea. He would be a hero to so many children out there, if they see him as a person who dopes, it may cause them to follow suite. And as already stated - all the top guys dope and use cloaking agents to hide it, Lance managed to win without any proof that he did anything wrong and thus he deserves the wins...
jgb wrote:Anyone know about a drug that can make me climb beter?
Try "scandens gymnasium", it makes you muscles sore for a few days, takes about 2 hour per time and costs R50 per dose. If taken twice a week for a few years it does wonders for your muscle strength and footwork... (for those of you who didn't get the joke, "scandens gymnasium" Latin for "Climbing Gym" - gotta love Google Translate)
Try rescue - its homeopathic anti-anxiety medicine, no side-effects and works really well.
"There is something fundamentally wrong in treating the Earth as if it were a business in liquidation." Herman E Daly